Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I LOVE sushi and Hacky try-outs

I had Sushi for this first time and I liked it!! We went to this little place across the street from our dorm and it was really good. Margo and I got chicken teriyaki and we split the Shrimp something roll. Shoooot I already forgot what it was called. Tempura? Can't be sure. It was quite the experience though... the waitress brought out hot towels and gave one to Margo, who said "thanks" and put in on the table, then I just held mine and waited for someone else to get one, and finally Rocky got hers and wiped off her hands. Margo and I were like "ohhhh," haha. Then we wanted to practice using our chop sticks so we made up a game where one person drops a piece of straw wrapper and the other person tries to catch it with their sticks. At first it was just me and Margo playing (since we're kids) but the rest of em couldn't help to join the fun. And just imagine a bunch of athletes making a simple game soooo competitive, haha. You should have heard us yelling in disappointment when someone would juuust miss. It was hilarious.

Now, for the serious stuff. For those of you that don't know, one of our pre-game rituals for the Force is to play Hacky. Not everyone plays, just those who want to but we get pretty into it. Last year we had 6 members on Team Hack but we've lost a few of those players so we had to recruit for this year's team. A few nights ago we hosted round one of try-outs. Jenna Hall aka "Haller" and Ashley Smith aka "Smitty" were our first victims. Each try-out began with a verbal question and answer session followed by a physical skills test. Tune in to our youbtube video below to see the results...


Anonymous said...

Um... I was wondering if I could be an honorary Team Hack member. I was previously on a travel team where the tour started and ended in Canada (ask Margo). I played college soccer so that certainly contributes to my skills for Hacky. Also, my college softball team played Hacky before each game as well and I was declared "middle man", due to my acrobatic skills I was able to do the splits to keep any hacky sacks from falling in the middle of the circle. Please consider my offer as I could really contribute to the team from afar.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, what Pick said.

Wait, no. A teammate and sometime friend of mine, (you may know her) named Jamie, and I started this whole Hackey-before-the-game ritual. And I think that I should be credited with it's invention as well as put in the Hackey Hall of Fame.

And for the record.. moves that have already been copyrighted are listed below:

The Figure Four
Around the World
The Ski Slope
The Boob/Crotch Shot (and any variation)
The Bob and Weave

Also note, that the Amendment of 2004 states that: trees, trash cans, bushes, water bottles, and all sports equipment are not to be considered "players" on the field. If the aformentioned items are struck with the Hackey, one immediately must point out to the person who made the error in judgment that, "The tree/trash can/bush/water bottle/sports equipment isn't playing!!"

Feel free to contact me with any further questions you may have regarding rules, copyright infringements, and what picture of me you should put in the dugout.


Anonymous said...

You are all AMAZZZING!!!!

Unknown said...

What fun... now I wish I'd gone to college!! :-))) OXXOXOOOXO
Auntie P! Can't wait for the next one!

Anonymous said...

That video is so damn funny my side aches! I love the slow motion with the "Champions" song. Please update with some pregame footage. Peace Out!

Anonymous said...

LOL I love Jenna Hall's interview. Funny stuff. Post more! :)