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Smoothies sold at our games, they’re soooo good!! Available in several flavors including strawberry banana, pina colada, lemon, and more! The fun part about them being sold at our games is yelling out "MAUI WOWI!" whenever possible.
Before every game a group of us partake in some serious hacky sack! Each of us have signature moves and the goal is for each person in the circle to touch the hacky without it hitting the ground. Once we accomplish that it’s called a “hack.” If we all touch it twice it’s a “hacky,” and three times is a “hacky sack!” It’s very rare that we get further than that, but it has happened. Since our hacky tryouts video, we have had several new additions to the team. Only by a monitored tryout, of course. They include: Amy Hudson, Megan Gibson, and Savannah Long. Our most recent walk-ons in training are Michelle Tatlock and Tory Yamaguchi. Michelle has shown her dedication to making the team by purchasing her own hacky sack to practice. Tory’s skills are developing quickly; today she did her first toe pop! We’re hoping to initiate them in Kimberly. And our honorary member, Belle, is always welcome to play ☺