Roxy - Roxy is a california girl at heart! She enjoys swimming in the backyard, laying out in the sun, trips to dog beach and walks every night with Dad!
Sammy - Sammy is a kind-hearted and loving pet! She uses her paws like hands; she actually thinks she\'s a human. When Dad gets home from work Sammy tells him all about her day! She likes to give hugs and kisses.

Murphy - Murphy is my baby! When I'm home he sleeps with me every night. He's a top dog because even though we have two actual dogs, Murphy runs the house! He has no problem swatting Sammy and Roxy if they are out of line. He's also about 17 pounds, so clearly he's the size of a dog! He has a sweet side too and he loves to cuddle.
Maxwell - Maxwell House Coffee (his full name) is the sweetest cat you will ever meet! He spends a lot of time outside and sometimes he gets multiple dinners because our neighbors feed him. His favorite hobbies are unraveling the paper towels and playing with feathers!
Misty - Misty is a top dog because of her stealth like skills! After we got her we didn't see her for 3 days!! She's pretty much afraid of everything including her own shadow but she has her friendly moments. I have to bribe her so she'll let me take pictures of her! The one posted was snapped right after I gave her a piece of turkey.