Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So I've been checking our Force website to see if people are voting and it's crazy! I was excited when 60 people had voted when the poll first went up and I just looked at it again and now it's up to 4,801, daaaang! It's funny because 21 and 24 keep switching places in who's ahead, and then there's poor little 28, all alone with it's 22 votes :( I'm not partial or anything though, I haven't even voted because every time I lean towards one of them I change my mind the next minute. So keep voting everyone, this is exciting! :)


Anonymous said...

if you want to know something funny... i have at one point made 100 votes on one since i found out taht i could vote more then once.

Stacy Birk said...

lol, that's hilarious!