Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mama Schnack & 4th of July

My mama came to visit for a week! We mostly just hung out in a-town but we did spend a day in Philly. Margo and I took mama to see all the historic stuff Philly has to offer. She got mad at me because I took random pictures on her camera and the battery died, oops. So here are some of the pictures I took on my phone for her ☺

betsy ross house & elfreth's alley

Tory, Tatlock and myself ventured to Philly for the 4th of July parade. We rode on a float along with representatives from the other Philadelphia sports teams. The Eagle’s band was also on our float and they played live music the entire time. It was fun but hearing the same three songs for a few hours got pretty annoying. By the end of the parade I knew all the words to the Eagles fight song, which I never knew existed. So at least I learned something new! ☺

our view from the float & the float itself

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