Sunday, June 15, 2008

When I get paid...

This was a big hit last year, so I thought I'd do it again. I put up a sign in the hallway a week ago and here are the contributions:
When I get paid....
I'm going to buy a new hub-cap for my car - Smitty
I'm gonna make Clare a poster for her door - Hall
I'm gonna save my money just in case... - Spencer & Em-Dizzle
I'm gonna go grocery shopping - Spence
Get a hair cut and wax the bushes above my eyes!! - Hall
Fill up my car with gas - Chippy
Go to the mall - Birk
Get my sixth guitar string - Margo
Pay my credit card bill - Margo
Pay my Dad for my last 3 phone bills - Birk
I'm getting eye black - Margo
I'm getting my car door handle fixed - Birk
Search for better colored headbands for colored headband night - Birk
Buying DVDs to watch in the lounge with Sho! Most likely Dawson's Creek.... season 1, 2, or 4 - Hall
I'm going to Dunkin!!! - The Force

we finally got paid, YAAAYYYY!!!!!! :) Now I pretty much will be sending my entire check to my Dad, shoot :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about a song for Kinberly...Judy