Thursday, August 2, 2007

Rookies and Livin in the Bigs

Rookie Car
Technically we have 7 rookies on our team this year. They include Margo Pruis, Megan MacAllister, Sharonda McDonald, Loren Anguiano, Meagan Hennessy, Kristina Thorson, and myself. But since Thor and Henney have pages in the media guide, like the rest of the veterans, we (the rookies) don't consider them part of our group. Rookie car is what we usually refer to ourselves as because the five of us pile into Lo's truck whenever we go somewhere as a team. It's a tight squeeze in her little truck, but with the windows down we can all fit our football-player shoulders in the back seat. Lo is our driver, since its her car, but the rest of the seats are fair game and can only be called when the car is in sight. The front seat is referred to as the suicide seat because you're at the highest risk when Lo decides to pull out her crazy driver card using excuses like, I have poor depth perception. Then there's window seats and of course the middle seat, or bitch. Whoever ends up in the bitch seat gets pointed and laughed at by the rest of rookie car and I'm thinking we should implement some sort of song or something that she would have to sing.
(I originally wrote this a few weeks ago, and since then we have implemented the song rule. On the way home from practice on Tuesday, Margo sang Happy Birthday to us. The rule stands that you can sing whatever song you like, but if you can 't pick one you have to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.)

Livin in The Bigs
Henney couldn't have put it any better when she said, in college all i wanted to do was play softball and hang out and now I can. So basically I've been waiting my whole life to do this. Let me tell you, playing pro is all I've dreamed of and more. Since I've been here I've realized a lot of differences in pro and college softball, most of them positive. But it wasn't until yesterday that I discovered this is my calling. We had cookies in the dugout. Yes, you read that correctly, COOKIES IN THE DUGOUT! Holy hell, what more could I ask for?! What a perfect combination; playing the game that I love while eating the best food ever made. Clearly this is the coolest perk I've discovered so far about playing pro, but there are many others.
When traveling:
1. I can wear sandals
2. I can wear a hat or a visor
3. I can wear any shirt I want to and i don't have to tuck it in
4. When we stop to eat I can bring my cell phone in and I don't have to hide it under the table to text
5. There are no bed checks or team meetings
6. I can sleep in as long as I like
7. We can eat and drink whatever we want, whenever we want
8. Theres no study bus or study hotel

It's great and I love it :) That's all for now... next update will be on the Akron series. (We beat them 5-0 tonight in Game 1)


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